Innovent’s Picankibart (IBI112) Meet its Primary Endpoint in the P-II (CIBI112A201) Study for the Treatment of Plaque Psoriasis
- The P-II (CIBI112A201) study evaluating picankibart (50/100/200mg) vs PBO in a ratio (1:1:1:1:1) in 250 patients with mod. to sev. PsO
- The trial met its 1EPs i.e., 52.0% to 54.9% of patients achieved PASI 90 @16wks.; PASI 75 & 100 were significantly higher over PBO. At 28wks., long-term efficacy was observed with 61.2% to 72.5% of patients who achieved PASI 90; 78.4% to 88.0% in PASI 75, and 40.0% achieved complete skin lesions clearance (PASI 100)
- The therapy was well tolerated with no new safety signals & the overall safety profile was consistent with other IL-23p19 mAbs, a significant increase from baseline in DLQI while 50-200mg picankibart administered q12w or q8w can improve the skin lesions & QoL i.e., significant improvement at a long-dose interval
Ref: PR Newswire | Image: Innovent
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Neha is a Senior Editor at PharmaShots. She is passionate and very enthusiastic about recent updates and developments in the life sciences and pharma industry. She covers Biopharma, MedTech, and Digital health segments along with different reports at PharmaShots. She can be contacted at connect@pharmashots.com.